How much does it cost to make a website?

Oliver - Updated on August 9, 2019

Once you make the decision to create a web pageI'm sure one thing that concerns you is the issue of price of a websiteWe created personalized estimates of the cost of your website.

Website design prices

web page prices

The types of website designThe following information is available on the website web pageBe part of your database when you are about to hire a web design service.

What you need to know is that this is not something cheap. You have to take into account that it is an investment whose results will have a positive impact on the development of your company in the medium and long term. That is to say, more than an expense, it is a necessary investment.

web page prices

How much can it cost to create a website? 

The answer to this question can be very broad, as it depends on many factors such as the type of website design. The web design fees that has each designer depending on their experience and their work, if you are custom design or with tools such as WordPress PrestashopThe country where you contract the service and some other things that can also determine the final price. Also, it is important, the implementation of the positioning phases seo for your website.

Some specialists talk about the fact that a professional, personalized and complete website, which includes all the elements that are necessary, can exceed a thousand euros, although there is also the possibility of reducing costs, sacrificing some variables that you may not need much, such as custom design.

Know the types of web designs

If you are not familiar with the subject either because you are new to this world or because you only deal with the basics, you may not know that the website design implies several possibilities, according to the needs of your company or idea, among which they stand out:

  • The mutipages, are those that include several sections that are categorized with a menu. They contain different pages, each with its own design and particular characteristics, although respecting the basic design.
  • The blogs, are alternatives that are considered very suitable for companies or individuals who have the capacity to publish a large amount of content. They perform daily content updates, to create communities and capture audiences. 
  • The landing pages, which are those that imply a fairly simple and clean design because they only contain the most basic information about the company. You use for product or service: an eye-catching title, an attractive image and the call to action.
  • The e-commerce, are the alternatives that are designed according to the specific sales needs of the company or brand. They work depending on the product or service for sale.
  • The one page, are a type of web design that is placed somewhere in between the landing pages and a company's page. They are recommended for small and medium sized companies that do not require something extremely elaborate.
  • Websites with ux ui, stand out for their modern design and usability.

As far as the prices Within this classification, we can say that the landing pages are the cheapest because they do not have many elements. Followed by the one page, multi-pages and e-commerce. The latter are more expensive, compared to the others, because you have to configure many more elements. The e-commerce have user records, credit card configurations and many options.

What are content management systems?

WordPress, one of the most popular and Prestashop, especially for create eCommerce online storesThese are the programs that have been developed so that any user can administer and manage web page content without the need for in-depth programming knowledge, some with free licenses and others with paid licenses.


Basically what CMS or Content Management Systems do is help you, even if you have no experience, for example, controlling your rentals for a hotel websiteYou can manage your tours in a website for a travel agency and offer your services with the web design for architecture studioAs a conclusion, they facilitate the simplicity of use, without the need to handle codes.

On the other hand, within the language of web development, we also include tools for web design with Bootstrap which are frameworks for custom web design. It is currently considered essential to improve the user experience while browsing in different devices.

Whether you choose options such as WordPress Prestashop in order to achieve web pages or you can go for the custom designBy hiring a freelancer or agency, it is essential that you carefully study the web prices. The costs of a website offered by each agency, to make a decision that suits you according to your needs and the budget you have available.

Prices for a custom web development

For a custom web development, the design will be without template and working the web page from scratch. The main advantage would be the customization that can be given to a custom web design, leaving a cleaner code and with customized functions. Based on the construction of the web development, any visual aspect of the web can be modified, not like in CMS designs. The main disadvantage is the cost, since the same web developed with Bootstrap, would take up to 3 and 4 times more work than from a cms, and therefore the price of a custom web design it multiplies.

Below we will leave a table to guide you on the price, based on some basic web designs. Each web page has a price according to the time it takes to make a web page. Therefore, I advise you to leave us all the details about your web page in the budget form. We will make a personalized study and adjust the cost for a web page that fits your needs.

We will differentiate in two types of budgets, one with a custom design and another from a CMS.

Prices Websites

Type of companyTechnologySectionsPrice
Corporate WebWith CMSHome - About Us - Services - Blog - ContactFrom 700 euros
Corporate WebCustomizedHome - About Us - Services - Blog - ContactFrom 2,500 euros
Online ShopWith CMSHome - Shop (categories and subcategories) - Blog - ContactFrom 1,200 euros
Online ShopCustomizedHome - Shop (categories and subcategories) - Blog - ContactFrom 4,500 euros

Each project is different, so we advise you to consult price to make your websiteWe'll give you Price personalized according to your needs.

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