Web design for architects and decorators

Oliver - Updated on August 6, 2019

One of our last websites created for an important architecture studio. We bring you the web design for architects and decoratorsThis design would be valid for any company that wants to show its works in an orderly and current way.

Web design for architects and decorators

A web design for engineers, architecture studio, a web design and apps company, a decoration and interior design agencyWe create a personal website for an architect, technical architect or decorator. We create the design of the company completely renewed and updated to the latest trend.

We will leave you a video explaining the current functions, and you can also ask us for a real test of the most current design we have.

The website has been developed for the engineer Luis Bozzo, managing director of one of the most pioneering engineering companies in Spain, www.luisbozzo.com.

In order to know all the possibilities and functions of the created web, we will facilitate you an explanatory video of the real operation. Besides being able to access to our mounted design, requesting an access test through our budget form: web budget.

Website design for architects

Before starting, it is important to know the necessary functionalities that a architect's website. AppDesign, has designed many websites for architecture studios or a websites for decorators with an interior design and decoration company.

The first point will be dedicated to the home page. It should carry all the summary information of the company according to web design trends in 2020In our case, it mounts a header with an open-air menu that adapts to a burger-type menu for mobile devices and tablets. This type of headers are perfect for agencies with designs to show, such as an architecture or interior design studio. Showing some of the most important works through the sliding images on the header of the website.

Below you will find short information about the company, what it does, mission, vision or values. We give the history and have quick access to other sections of the website. The portfolio of work done or the history of the company. The case of the example website was mounted separately on a different page.

We set up a page to break down the agency's history and information on its track record, an important point so that your clients know at all times who they are working with.

We include the design and development of mobile applications for your company.

Web creation for interior decorators

We recommend having a content management system for a web for interior decorators updateable and create content through a blog within the web. It is one of the most important points to continue growing and updating the web. Google likes websites to be updated and create new content. It is interesting to leave a tab for a blog, where the customer can access through a control panel to publish their news.

It is also important to develop a responsive system to adapt the web to mobile devices and tablets. One of the key points that search engines take into account. A website that does not adapt, today is totally outdated. If you have a website without responsive, we advise you to update the structure. By making this change we have seen how positions in search engines increase drastically. We have built it in many web updates that we have already done for other companies as the last web design for a dental clinic.

We use the latest technology in HTML 5 and CSS

One of the points that we have given more importance to when choosing a modern and current design has been the portfolio of works. A website of this type grows thanks to showing the projects that it has made for other companies. Here we have decided to leave a section of all the projects ordered with a ajax and jQueryThis type of effect makes it more modern and intuitive to navigate between projects.

You can access each of the works individually and leave all the necessary documentation. For our client we have assembled embedded videos, downloadable pdf files, images and texts about all the works. Depending on the type of company, as if it is a website for an engineering studio. They could mount the plans in pdf of the buildings, a video embedded directly on the web through youtube made in a drone to see a bird's eye view of the apartments for sale. While an interior design studio could only mount the most outstanding images, giving visual priority to their more artistic and less technical work.

How to optimize your design and architecture website

Nor should we forget the importance of programming the necessary functions so that your web is optimized for seo positioning in search engines. Some of the important points we left mounted:

  1. Update and configuration of the links, leaving friendly links for the urls.
  2. Sitemap file construction, important to help Google index your website.
  3. Registration and configuration of Google Master, a webmaster account is required.
  4. Content optimization, we inform our customers of the content they send us.
  5. Meta tag optimization, forcing search engines to use the tags
  6. Reduction of the loading speed by means of cache optimization systems.

In any case we like to learn. Our clients learn from us, and can improve the idea of their website at any time.

Contact our team of web designers: Request a web quote.

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