Certified Online WordPress Course

Oliver - Updated on July 9, 2020

Good morning and welcome to the The most complete and practical online WordPress course on the webIn this course we will learn how to make our own website in a professional way, just like a Web Design Agency.

WordPress Course

My name is Oliver, I'm web designer specialized in the WordPress content manager With more than 10 years of experience, I currently work for the web design agency AppDesign.dev. I am in charge of creating all the web pages in WordPress for our clients, whether they are corporate websites, online shops, platforms such as marketplaces, online course platforms, intranet systems or any kind of custom solutions for companies.

This course is aimed at users who want to start creating their website from scratch without any knowledge in WordPressThis is also for intermediate users who already have a website and want to improve and scale up their projects and even for web designers who want to offer a professional service to their customers.

The purpose of this course is to provide users with all the tools necessary to create their own website as a professional web design agency. It will include web structure, recommended design according to the type of company, seo optimization, optimization in loading speed, online sales systems, internationalization with language systems. The entire WordPress course will be carried out in a completely practical way, with real examples in each of the topics.

The best complete WordPress course

The structure of this Practical WordPress online courseThe "Themes" section is made up of 11 themes, distributed in 6 large blocks that we will now see in summary form.

Block 1: Introduction, WordPress Basics

  • Introduction to WordPress.
  • What is WP and why use WordPress to create our website, blog, or online store.
  • In another topic, we will see what recommended configurations we should have for our hosting and domain.

Block 2: Installation and configuration of WordPress.

  • It will be made and explained what kind of installations there are and we will see the first configurations we must have once our WordPress is installed.
  • You will also see a topic on web security, which is very important for our WordPress websites.

Block 3: Case study, creating our first web page with WordPress

  • We will create a complete web page step by step, from the internal pages of our company or personal web, to the necessary configurations to comply with the current data protection.

Block 4: Woocommerce - Building our Online Store.

  • We will install an online shop within our own website.
  • We will see how to install Woocommerce and the necessary configurations for our ecommerce system.

Block 5: Web Optimization for SEO and Fast Loading.

  • In this section, we will perform a complete optimization of our website, both in SEO positioning and in loading speed, very important to offer a good user experience.

Block 6: Internationalization, creating our website in several languages.

  • We will make the necessary configurations to internationalize our website correctly. Installation and web configuration in several languages.

Why take this WordPress course online?

This course arises from the need to create a complete solution for our customers. Currently we do not find such complete and practical WordPress courses for a user without knowledge to manage their own website in a professional way.

I also checked that the most complete courses were more than 10 years old. WordPress has changed a lot during this year, even the 2019 courses are outdated since WordPress published this year a big update, where we move to a block system, so in this course we will practice all the examples with the latest version of WordPress.

Almost all the theory has been eliminated to make a totally practical course. Being able to guide you in a practical way through real examples of web design with WordPress in videos is much more effective.

Not only will you learn how to create your website with WordPress, I'll also give you the tricks that work best and help you solve the most common problems you may encounter along the way.

I'd like to end with a quote from Seth Godin "The only thing worse than starting something and failing... is not starting it at all." 
If you are thinking of setting up your website, blog or online store, this is your course. I encourage you to take the leap and start your own online business, we'll get you started!

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Normal Price:

450 €

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150 €

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