Create a website for a gym

Oliver - Updated on August 3, 2019

We created gymnasium websitesToday we bring you the web design for a company dedicated to sports, personal trainers and fitness.

Before starting with the proposal, we created a structure with personalized functions for a company dedicated to sports, in this case, for a gym, so we have set up several sections that we believe are fundamental. We design systems with a calendar of classes of gymThere is also a registration section, an image gallery section to see the facilities, schedules and prices of the activities and services.

create a website for a gym

Web design for gyms and fitness centers

The design is mounted on an open-air menu, this being the last web design trendWith all the quick information a user can have when entering the web. We create contact buttons, large sliding images through automated banners. Contact information at a glance with phone, email and social networks.

We have made some gymnasium websites in Madrid, Barcelona, Miami, California and Germany. Some of our clients have chains of gyms all over Spain.

Features for a Gym website

  1. The main pageIt should contain the most important information about your center. Start with a large header image with contact information, both phone and email at the top, optional include social networks. The customer does not need to browse to find contact information on the first page. We also recommend including brief information after the banners, a summary of your gym services, personal trainers, facilities.
  2. About our gymThen we recommend the page with information about your fitness center, where you can include a brief history, values and mission, as well as the trajectory. This point will create confidence with your customers.
  3. ClassesIt is important to give all the information about the classes offered by your gym, aerobics, step, body combat, crossfit, zumba, body pump, spinning, wedding balance... with the schedules and events you organize, all configurable from an easy to use control panel for the management of your classes.
  4. Personal trainerInclude a section where information on personal trainers can be given.
  5. News BlogKeep your clients informed of the latest news about your gym and share your articles with one click on social networks.
  6. Online ShopPossibility of making a online store of ecological products as we did with one of our clients.
  7. ContactAdditional information to contact your centre, including a personalised contact form and location on Google Maps.

We create websites for gyms

If you have a fitness center and need a professional website, ask for information and we will advise you without obligation. Our experts web designers If you have any other design that you like we can prepare a proposal tailored to your company.

We can also develop the mobile application with React Native of your company. Enter the world's largest market for Android and iOSWe advise the development of apps to be published before your competition.

Receive a cordial greeting from the AppDesign team. Request information through our budget for web and app.

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