Web project for Winglass


Web Design


Spain 🇪🇸

About the project

At App Design, we present you one of the latest and most outstanding websites: the Winglass Automotive website. This shop specialized in vehicle vinyling, polishing, wrapping, window tinting and ceramic treatments trusted us to take their digital presence to the next level.

Project Challenges

Winglass Automotive needed a digital platform that reflected the quality and professionalism of its services. The main objectives of the project were:

  • Attractive and modern design: Create a visually striking design that would capture the attention of visitors and highlight the aesthetics of the vehicles treated by the workshop.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Facilitate the exploration of the different services offered, ensuring a smooth and pleasant user experience.
  • Optimization for SEO: Increase visibility in search engines to attract more potential customers.
  • Adaptability and Responsibility: Ensure that the website worked perfectly on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones.

Our Solution

To meet these objectives, we implemented several key strategies:

  • Visual Design: We use a combination of high quality images, modern typography and an elegant color palette to create a strong visual impact. Each page is designed to highlight the sophistication and professionalism of the shop.
  • Clear structure: We developed an intuitive information architecture, allowing users to quickly find what they need. Dedicated sections for each service, testimonials from satisfied customers and a gallery of completed work provide a complete experience.
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  • SEO optimization: We implemented advanced on-page SEO techniques to improve Google rankings. From keyword research to meta tag optimization, every detail was taken care of to maximize online visibility.
  • Responsible Development: We use modern web technologies to ensure that the website is fully responsive, providing a consistent and enjoyable experience on any device.


The new Winglass Automotive website not only meets design and functionality standards, but has also resulted in a significant increase in web traffic and customer inquiries.

The combination of an attractive design, efficient navigation and a solid SEO strategy has led the shop to expand its clientele and strengthen its market presence.

Winglass Web

Web design company

Visit the site at Winglass Automotive and discover how App Design can transform the digital presence of your business. If you are interested in taking your project to the next level, don't hesitate to contact us.

If you are looking for a web design agency that can bring your spiritual vision to digital reality, contact our team to create your project.
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