Green online store design

Oliver - Updated on July 22nd, 2019

We bring you a development of an ecological online shopwith sale of agricultural products. The web design has a clean and simple structure for the user, marking the current trend.

web development online store fruit

It has a payment system with a shopping cart, where the customer can make payment by credit card, transfer and paypal. Once the purchase is made, it will mark the type of shipping and the system will generate the order through the control panel, reaching an email in real time to the administrator of the website to not lose time in preparing the order.

The website was also set up encrypted with an SSL certificate, so it is safe to buy online. This type of certificate gives greater authority and positioning in Google.

Organic fruit and vegetable online shop design

Next I will show you the sections and main characteristics of the design created for our client:

Main page: it consists of an automated slider with changing images in the header. Here the client will be able to update the images in his control panel, to offer offers in indicated dates. Next we will have information about the company and some products.

web design fruit shop

The list of products on the first page serves to check the type of products sold on the web without having to browse, if the client is interested he will go to tienda online where you can find all the products filtered by category.

fruit ecommerce

At the end of each page the user will be able to see all the contact information.

green theme for wordpress

A page duplication system was made to mount the languages, this type of translation systems for web pages are the last ones made, being the translations in the respective languages totally customized. When a client connects from a Spanish speaking country, the web will be automatically shown in Spanish, the same happens when the country from which the client comes is an English speaking one, in this case the online shop will be shown entirely in English, being able to change the languages at any time from the menu.

Development of online stores selling fruit

In the section "About Us"We chose to introduce a brief description of the company and a portfolio of images, making known the facilities of the company. This point will give greater confidence to customers, who can see where their products are grown before making any purchase:

ecommerce for agriculture store

Once the main page of the company was commented and the explanation about the business was given, we set up eCommerce online stores with stock management and payment systems, where the customer can buy the products and manage the orders from a user-friendly administration panel.

Finally, for more information and resolution of doubts by customers of the website, is mounted a contact section, with all necessary information, google maps, contact information with phone, email, address ... and a contact form where you can consult any issue.

Among the main features of the website, is the adaptive web system, the web adapts to the type of screen, being fully functional on mobile devices and tablets, something that google has been awarding since 2015 and that in our company we have been mounting since 2013.

If you have any questions, you can contact our team of web designers and programmers through our request a quote for your website in our agency.

2 comments on “Diseño de tienda online ecológica”

  1. Good morning, I would like to know more information about your work, since I have a fruit and vegetable store and I want to make it online as well. Thank you

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