Expert WordPress company, custom development

Oliver - Updated on August 5, 2019

It's been more than 10 years that we've been in our company expert developing web pages with WordPressOne of the most powerful website building systems on the market.

WordPress expert agency

This CMS was created to build blogs in an easy and intuitive way. Today we use it to build online stores, websites for companies or any other custom project. We have made auction systems, real estate, business intranet systems.

Almost all projects can be developed on this platform, as long as they have programmers and designers who are experts in WordPress.

WordPress Web Design Company

Currently, all kinds of projects can be carried out, both simple and custom-made. Below are some projects carried out in AppDesign:

3D printing provider: a corporate website linked to an online sales system where all the management of distributors and suppliers is carried out. This website is a clear example of a corporate website updated with the latest trends, with large images, a hamburger menu.

Web design for a wholesale computer company

Custom WordPress and Woocommerce plugin development

Automated ticket printing systemOne of the most complex projects in terms of automation of services. We develop custom plugins for a restaurant, automation in the printing of order tickets. When you place an order on the website of the restaurant and pay, the order arrives in the kitchen automatically. website with eCommerce system is developed in wordpress with WoocommerceIt is done in automatic submission to Google Cloud Print, which prints it on the automatic printer.

Online shop, WordPress and Flutter synchronization for appseCommerce : Here we set up an online shop with products and synchronize it with an application developed in Flutter. This eCommerce automatically synchronizes the products with the mobile application developed in Android and iOS.

The website created entirely in wordpress has a custom plugin to manage the app from the wordpress control panel. The customer can update the categories that will appear in the application and change the banners to offer customized offers that the company wants. In addition to updating products and payment systems. The reference website created is Perfume Cosmetics and the application.

web design cosmetics and perfumes

Specialized WordPress developers

Below we will show some of the most important failures we have detected in clients who ask us to renew their company's website.

  • Wordpress SecurityMany of our clients come to us with their websites hacked or out of order due to optimization and configuration problems on their pages. We recommend a series of security steps to protect your website from attacks.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)For our clients, we include the optimization of their web page. We implement the latest trends recommended by Google based on structure.
  • Study of the template codeNot everything is valid, so we keep track of the structure and code of the template used. Templates are not free or downloaded for free. In most of these templates we have found corrupted files, viruses and malware. It is a serious problem for the future of your website.
  • Comply with current legislation in wordpressIn the case of the use of cookies, we implement the legal notice, privacy policy and general conditions.
  • Structure OptimizationWe use the latest technology and correctly configure WordPress for the latest programming systems. It will make your website faster in loading and safer, assembling PHP 7, HTML 5 and CSS.
  • Responsive SEOAfter studying the structure, we also track the display and compatibility on mobile devices. Today, Google takes into account that your website is adapted to smartphones and tablets.
  • State-of-the-art caching systemsOne of our customers who had a blog with a lot of content on the home page, took more than 4 seconds to open the page. This serious problem of conversion to their customers who left before waiting for the web to load. We managed to reduce the loading time from 4.3 seconds to 1.6 seconds, which went on to increase their profits on the web by advertising in more than 30 %.


If you need our WordPress expert agency to review your website or perform any kind of custom programming with PHPWe will give you advice to increase your sales and have a clean and updated website with the latest technology on the market.

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