Keterom company web portal


Web Design
+ eLearning Platform
+ Online Store
Keterom Community


Spain 🇪🇸

About the project

Keterom: Web design for a global spiritual community

At App Design, we believe in the power of web design to inspire and connect. Our recent project with Keterom, a growing spiritual community with a presence in Spain and Latin America, exemplifies how a well-designed website can become a beacon of wellness and personal growth.

The Challenge:

Keterom approached us with an ambitious vision: to create a digital platform that reflected the warmth and depth of their community, while offering practical tools for spiritual development. They needed:

  • A web design that transmits serenity and positivity.
  • An intuitive and attractive online course platform.
  • A holistic integrated online store, easy to navigate and manage.
  • A website optimized to attract and retain users in Spain and Latin America.

Our Solution:

We approached this project with a holistic approach, merging intuitive design with robust functionality:

  1. Inspiring Design: We created a visual aesthetic that evokes peace and harmony, using soft colors, elegant typography and natural elements. Fluid navigation and captivating images invite users to explore.

  2. Dynamic Course Platform: We developed a customized online course platform where users can discover, enroll and participate in courses in meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices. The intuitive interface facilitates learning and interaction.

  3. Holistic Online Store: We integrate an online store featuring carefully selected holistic products, from books and music to meditation tools. The shopping process is simple and secure, providing an exceptional user experience.

  4. Global Optimization: We implemented localized SEO strategies to ensure that Keterom is easily found by users in Spain and Latin America. The website adapts to different devices, ensuring an optimal experience on any screen.

Mobile courses projectKeterom store projectKeterom

We are proud to have collaborated with Keterom on this transformative project.

The new website is not only a digital tool, but a sacred space where people can connect, learn and grow.


Keterom's new website has been a resounding success:

  • Increased web traffic: The site has experienced a significant increase in organic traffic, attracting new members to the community.
  • Increased participation in courses: The course platform has seen an increase in enrollment and active user participation.
  • Sales in the online store: The online store has generated a steady stream of revenue, supporting Keterom's growth.
  • Strengthening of the brand: Keterom has positioned itself as a leader in the online spiritual wellness space.


Web design company

At App Design, we specialize in creating custom web solutions that boost your brand's growth and visibility.

If you are looking for a web design agency that can bring your spiritual vision to digital reality, contact our team to create your project.
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