Corporate Web for Construction Company


Web Design
District Scheduling Consultants, LLC


United States 🇺🇸

About the project

Case Study: Redesigning and optimizing the digital presence of District Scheduling Consultants LLC in the USA.

At App Design, we pride ourselves on collaborating with companies that make a difference. Recently, we had the pleasure of working with District Scheduling Consultants LLC, a leading U.S. consulting firm that provides support to the construction industry on projects around the world.

Our goal was to create a corporate website that reflected their professionalism, experience and commitment to excellence.

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Clarity and Accessibility: District Scheduling Consultants LLC offers a wide range of services. We designed an intuitive navigation structure that allows visitors to easily find the information they need.
  • Professional and Modern Design: The aesthetics of the website convey trust and credibility, using a color palette consistent with the company's brand identity.
  • Optimization for Mobile Devices: More and more users are accessing websites from their phones. We made sure that the District Scheduling Consultants LLC website will adapt perfectly to any screen size.
  • Clear Calls to Action: We implement strategically placed buttons and contact forms to make it easier for potential customers to contact the company.
responsive web constructionDistrict Scheduling


District Scheduling Consultants LLC's new corporate website is not only visually appealing, but also highly functional. Since its launch, we have observed:

  • A significant increase in organic website traffic.
  • An improvement in the conversion rate of visitors to leads.
  • Positive user comments on ease of use and clarity of information.

District Scheduling Consultants, LLC

Web design company

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